Friday, August 31, 2007

almost weekend...

It's almost weekend.. I got only 2 classes today but the workload is quite unbearable. My KU is on leave, sending her eldest son to Cairo. God bless her and her family...Sejuk perut ibu mengandung. So...I had to take over some of her duties..Not many but still I had to run here and there, signing forms etc..etc..

My students...they should be busy practising their drama for the semi final. I could see that they were quite excited with this project. Can't wait to see them performing on stage next week. And the Pengarah was 'kind' enough to give a nod to our 'paper work' which means there will be a final round for this competition wholly sponsored by the pengarah. God bless you, PUAN!

And the wayang kulit boys were willing to perform during the finals. Amni also came to see me. I gave him the songs and the lyrics + the guitar tab for the song that he's going to sing later. I hope it's going to be a night to be remembered for all PDT students and lecturers (plus anyone who will be there to watch).

What else...oh yes, my friend Ms Tina will be leaving for IPDA and today is her last day at KMK. I' know will miss her for sure (who's not?). She gave me a piece of Kek Sayang (Forgot what flavour but it's chocolaty) and ikan terubuk masin that she bought from Kuching. I think only a few of us 'yang dapat'.

One last adik. Hope you live and eat well.....

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