Sunday, November 1, 2009

It has never been easy....

In a week, I'll be finishing my first semester as a student. Well. it was last July when I decided to venture into this world that I have longed to be in. It was new, different but adventurous and exciting sometimes. Going to classes was not difficult...I manage to make some new friends, men and women, old and young, quiet and talkative who helped to decorate my life to be more cheerful and interesting....and then, i began to feel the weightage of responsibilities that I was always holding. It's was heavier than before, of course...the school work, house chores, being a wife, mother, daughter, sister and a teacher...

I tried very hard not to disappoint anyone. I would do my best to perform any task being asked, even making a cup of coffee or milo when I was busy doing my assisgnments. I know I couldn't keep up with the house chores but cooking for the family as usual is seldomly missed...I still go to the market every weekend, fetch my kids from school everyday, wash their clothes, eat-out with them whenever I'm free...yes, I still do all those things...but of course, at times I just have to do it 'cincai' due to time constrain...I'm always far from being perfect, of course.

I was thinking the other children never fail to inform me whenever they're going for examinations...they wanted me to 'du'a' for them in my prayers...and yes, I did du'a for them especially during their UPSR, PMR and SPM. My children were very lucky because their father did the same thing...But what happened when I took exams, kuizzes and tests? Nobody at home wished me good luck except from a few friends...i was not expecting but I just thought that they would remember...they would understand....

There are so many assumptions that I made when I first decide to study again...Those were totally wrong assumptions...but should I reverse the motion or should I just STOP!

p/s: I met an old friend in Seremban the other day...she was married with 5 children and she was diagnosed with breast cancer....I asked her, how did it happen? She didn't have any definite answer....but I realised now that it's not because ur not married, or not having any child or not breastfeeding your just happened......SEMOGA DIA TABAH...


fuzie said...

Hi dear,
I wish I have the motivation. I would love to do master too. I have got to start

tearose said...

Fuzie sayang,
if u feel like doing, just do it! nobody is going to motivate or encourage u...('s sad tho...)just believe in yourself.

Silent Blogger said...

Yong, there are times when you feel that you are at your ends. Believe me, this is temporary. Be brave and keep moving.