Monday, January 3, 2011

I received a piece of cloth which I called "handkerchief" 2 days before the NEW YEAR..It looked like a 'kain perca' but I dared not say that to the person who gave it to me. I know it must be very hard for N to get 'something' for me because I always pester N to buy me a souvenir every time N travels around. Not like other colleagues who never forgot to bring back some 'momento' for the unit, this friend of mine always made the trips and travels as a secret...and N never brought back anything for the unit... :)

So, I was a bit surprise when N came to my cubicle that day and handed me 'something'. N had 2 in his hands actually and ask me which one did I like better. And I said, "this one!". Then Nsaid, " Well, u can have it then..." Of course my first reaction was surprise....but I said thank you anyway...What I always requested as a joke is now real..

Later, I told N, "U know what...some people said that it's not good to give people any handkerchief. It represents something sad like a farewell or other unfortunate events. But, never mind...I'll use it to wipe my tears if I cry..."

"I didn't know about that," N said and smiled.

"Yeah, it's only a superstitious...I don't believe it neither..." I told N again.

Then, it was 1.1.2011...
I took the 'handkerchief' from my handbag and wiped the tears...So, the whole story about the handkerchief is true after all..... :((


tireless mom said...

Oh dear! What happen on 1st Jan? I hope you are not bidding farewell or suffer any sadness of that sort.

Anonymous said...

yep yong, what happened on the 1st Jan, did N said goodbye????
