Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Teacher's Day.

" Assalamualaikum....terima kasih Pn atas ilmu yang Pn berikan scara lgsg dan x lgsg...minta maaf ats sgala salah silap saya, mgkn kdg2 sikap sya yg gila ni buat Pn tak slesa, tp itu tndanya sya seronok dgn Pn. Doakan sya bjaya insyaAllah.. SELAMAT HARI GURU :) -Khairilezman-

This very surprised phone message was received  at 10.58 pm just now while I was watching television. Khairilezman was a student of mine that I only knew for a few months. He was the head of the class. He loves rock music and was so much into his 'band'. What I noticed most about him was his ever cheerful mood in class. He had the ability to  turn the atmosphere in class into a happy and lively occasion. He's remarks were so open and spontaneous that made me burst into laughter every time he spoke...And when I laughed, the whole class would laugh too..

"I don't need a facebook because I have a face, already."
 I remember him saying this during the presentation of his classmates not long ago. The girls were presenting the topic of Facebook and its influence to KMK students and he was commenting on the topic. Well, Khairil...may you excel in studies with flying colours and I hope we could meet again some day...
Khairil, me and the class...

* I went to the supermarket after dinner with my daughters to get some stuff for their teachers...Masa I kecik2 dulu, nobody sibuk to buy things for their teacher. Kami cuma bawak makanan kering je ke sekolah...Selebihnya, cikgu belanja...:)

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