Sunday, April 12, 2009


Mak is in the hospital...(kesian mak...)

The journeys to Ipoh to and fro...Pheww...tak nampak jalan! stressful!!!


(I'm now feeling so tired, mentally and physically that I want to be GONE for the rest of the day!)

Adikm sent these photos a few days ago...Amazingly breathtaking. I wish I could be there too tapi macammana ya?????????


Charmey said...

astaghfirullahalazim.. innalillahiwainnailaihirojiuunn..naper ngan mak u? terasa sakitnyer.. bert mata memandang, lagi berat bahu memikul.. i wish u could try produk 'gamat emas', insya allah boleh heal cepat.. semoga cepat sembuh.. u pun, kena makan supplement, jgn jadi mcm i.. pendam punya pendam terus kena hypertension..

tearose said...

buang bisul-kencing manis...and ambil isi di betis kanan to cover that open wound. dua kali operation. Pity my mum. I memang ambil supplement hari2 tapi kadang2 tu tak berapa berkesan.