Sunday, April 5, 2009


Well...after watching the movie in JM cinema last Friday night, I'm sorry to say that that the Indian family is more 'Hindu' and the Malay family is less 'islamic'. And, that the Malay family potrayed in the movie is so typical and very much identical with other Malay families in the director's other movies like Sepet, Gubra, name it. It's not how 'liberal' the family is, it's how 'unmalay' or unislamic some of their manners are. I was not disturbed with the way they eat using chopsticks during lunch or dinner but the way they handled themselves during this occasion. No bismillah before eating, amusing themselves with some inappropriate conversation and table manners during meals, etc..etc... Hmm...I personally felt a little bit disturbed...I'm not going to say to my children it's ok to intrude when your mother is having a conversation with her friends or when the elders are talking. I'm not a very conservative person but when it comes to culture, tradition and religion I think everyone of us should be sensitive .

On the other hand, I would like to give credits to some outstanding performances of our actors like Azean Irdawaty, Mohd Shafie Naswip, Sukania Venugopal, Mahesh (these people really shined!). The rest are ok. I also kinda of like the songs being played in the movie. Atilia and Aizat's voice truly captured my attention. The used of the hindi song in the movie is also brilliant.

Other comments:

1) Hafiz gave salaam to the left first during solat in the mosque?
2) There were only 10 teachers in the school?
3) The school looked empty-fewer no of students seen around the school area, not a busy environment like any normal school.
4) Why was the ustaz wearing a jubah? Even a lot of ustazs in our religious schools today do not wear jubah during work... And no 'kepiah or songkok'? That's not a complete observation, I should say.
5) Where is the principal? Adibah looked more like one, rather than a teacher.

Ok then! Overall, I don't really recommend you all to see the movie if you want to see a 'Malay' movie. If you are into 'Malaysiana' movie, maybe yes...

Enough said!


Charmey said...

when my son tanya kenapa hafiz bagi salam kiri dulu, i jawab, babak salam ke kanan tu dah 'terpotong' kot.. and apa lah salahnya kalau watak bapak tu berbaju (pagoda tshirt at least).. huhuhuu.. soundtrack memang ok..

ps. i think adibah is the principal.. (sepanjang movie i dok pikir.. apasal lah aku tak beli tiket race to witch mountain..)

tearose said...

Yeah...kita cuba nak memartabatkan filem by spending a few ringgit to watch a film made by our own people tapi end upnya rasa yang kita sepatutnya tengok cite lain...It's so sad...

p/s: Sepi or Cinta is 'closer' to my heart. More realistic plot and environment.