Saturday, May 9, 2009


Bought this dvd in Mangga Dua, Jakarta last two weeks. A great, intelligent and non bias islamic movie that should be seen by all muslims in the world. There are so many things that we can learn from this movie although we may not agree with some of the ideas layed here (It's undeniable that many of us are still afraid of our own religion because the way it's potrayed in the media- and we tend to believe it due to our immmaturity knowledge of the religion) Oh Malaysia...when are we going to have movies like this in our cinematic scene?

p/s Listen to another beautiful theme song by Siti Nurhaliza in the movie called Batasku Asaku.


tireless mom said...

Hi Tearose

Jarang dengar lagu ni kat Malaysia. Maybe not yet at the top. I agree 110% with you. We have to be freer in speaking our minds.

tearose said...

Tak keluar lagipun...this film baru released this year. Tapi kalau keluar nanti kat Malaysia, pi la tengok. Worth ever single cent spent! Bagaimanapun, dari pemerhatian I haritu, I rasa rakan2 kita di Indonesia lebih bebas berkarya dan berekspirasi...lebih humble dan bersopan santun..