Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Students' presentation...(before the holidays)

Students asking questions to the presenters. Some funny answers were given by the presenters which kept the session lively.

Interesting topic but not well presented.

Positive effects of stress to students...

Is having relationship in KMK healthy?

Interesting findings...


MrsNordin said...

So, what's the findings? I'd like to know.

tearose said...

more than 70 % say yes, they prefer older man. Reasons: financially stabled, matured, more loving and caring, lupa dah apa lagi...Fits your description?

MrsNordin said...

Honestly, I never thought I'd marry an older guy. When I was in my 20s, the thought of marrying someone older was like, "Ewww!". As as time goes by, my perspective changed.

But it's interesting to know that your students' findings indicate that 70% go for older guys. That's quite a big majority! Just shows girls now are wiser.